Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Chimney Sweep

Today is my official due date and let's just say I am pretty sure the baby could care less. I went to the obstetrician today for what I hope is my final pre-natal check up and we discussed my options. Basically, I have to wait until my next appointment, which is on August 8th and if I haven't popped this thing out, then we are going to discuss inducing me.

Last week my cervix was glued shut but this week it was dilated some and he did a cervical sweep. It didn't really hurt but I would strongly suggest peeing before someone does this to you. There was a bad moment where I had a mouthful of bile from laying on my back while he pushed on my gut and I felt like I was going to lose control of my bladder-luckily I manged to keep it all together.

I had contractions on Monday night from 4:30PM to 1:30AM - about 4 or 5 an hour but they didn't amount to much more than that. I fell asleep and they didn't wake me up again, which I am pretty sure the real ones aren't that nice to you. Everything is progressing as it is supposed to and I know the end is near, so I just have to hang in there for the next ten days or so. It would help if the heat and mugginess would just f-off.

I feel like a sulky 3 year old that can't be pleased. I am bored but I don't want to do anything (well, I am rather enjoying guilt free trips to the Dairy Delite down the road), I am uncomfortable standing, sitting or laying down for any amount of time, I don't want to clean my house, I don't want to cook, sometimes I don't want to even go in the pool because I don't want to get wet or get changed after ( I know, I know), and I feel like my legs are going to fall off every night.

Poor ol' preggy me. I am accepting all donations to the pity me fund.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

teehee i feel for ya!! I will try and call this weekend for a big GOODLUCK!!! If i don't speak to you before you pop - GOOOOOD LUCK!! I can't wait to hear all about..... i am silently praying for you so that you don't have to be induced....