Sunday, May 2, 2010

Almost 13 Months

Here are a few shots without her sun hat - she's finally starting to get some hair-she had the exact same amount she was born with for about 11 months, which is kind of creepy when you think about it.

Brotha And Sista

These two occasionally smack each other but for the vast majority of the time are quite delighted by each other. Sarah thinks the sun rises and sets upon Nathaniel and he relishes the role of the protective big brother which so far makes for lots of fun times together. I'm sure they will soon not be able to stand each other so we'll enjoy it while we can.

Sun Dress

I bought Sarah a couple of sun dresses in anticipation of the warm days ahead and her walking-I find crawling babies and dresses don't mix well. Today was so hot that I dug one of them out and I thought she looked pretty adorable.


Our little lady stated taking her first steps a few days ago and can now take 15 or so in a row without wiping out. She loves walking and is very pleased with herself. Time's flying!!


I've been introducing Nathaniel to the wonderful pastime of fishing over the last couple of weeks. We've gone on the Nashwaak, a stocked pond (that's where I caught the big rainbow trout) and a beaver pond out in the boonies of Penniac (where I caught the tiny little brook trout). We've been having lots of fun and Nathaniel is now the resident expert on beavers after our excursion to the pond.

Easter In Doaktown

We headed up to Doaktown to Mom and Dad's cottage for Easter weekend and enjoyed unseasonably warm temperatures. The Easter Bunny landed with a vengeance much to the delight of Nathaniel. It was pretty cute watching him squeal every time he found another cluster of eggs. Even Sarah got caught up in the excitement.

I found the blow-up Superman bounce back doll at the local Dollar Store and he was a big hit for $2 although I almost hyperventilated a few times blowing the damn thing up. It was quite satisfying smacking the thing around after. Someone should start a company where you can get your husband's face emblazoned on them-sure to be a best seller.