Thursday, April 16, 2009

Welcome To The Jungle

I am the sun and the small universe known as our house apparently revolves around me. I sat on the couch for about an hour or so feeding Sarah and letting her nap and this is what our previously tidy living room turned into in. Everything and everyone shoved in around me-even the f-ing dogs that I half hate.

Big Brother And Little Sister

I won't even tell you what time it was when this picture was taken. Let's just say it was in the AM.

Our Little Bunny

Friday, April 10, 2009

Eyes Wide Open

Here are some after bath pictures with her eyes open.


We arrived home from the hospital yesterday morning and all is going well. I feel fantastic compared to how I felt after Nathaniel.

Here is a little run down of the last week. We went in Monday morning to have the baby and the big question on my mind was whether I would have to be knocked out like I was for Nathaniel or be awake. The anesthesiologist kept trying to do a spinal, but it wasn't working. He thought he was just about in the right place then he would hit my back bone. After over an hour of being hunched over on the operating table, he decided to try an epidural needle in my back then thread a spinal through that. Success! I was so happy because I really wanted to see one of my kids be born. The freezing was pretty much instantaneous and was a very strange feeling or lack of feeling to say the least.

Once I was frozen, about 5 minutes later, out came Sarah! Just as my obstetrician was about to pull her out, she and the other surgeon started laughing like crazy. I figured that wasn't a bad thing, that most likely I wasn't about to die or anything. Then she said, "Look at the size of that baby!!" and all I could think was, "Great, another monster baby". Sure enough, 10 lbs and 5 oz later, the chubster emerged. She let out a big holler, which was great to hear, they brought her over to show me-she looked like a giant purple plum then wrapped her up and did a few tests on her. In a few minutes, they brought her over to Iain and we got to coo over her for about 10 minutes before Iain and the nurse went to the recovery room with Sarah to wait for me. After that, I just kept feeling better and better and things are going really well.

She is a great baby so far-sleeps, eats, looks around for a bit and then repeats the cycle. We are totally enthralled by her and I love her dark hair-it is almost black. She has big blue eyes, the exact same colour as Iain's. Nathaniel thinks she is quite funny but he wasn't very impressed when he woke up in the middle of the night last night and came into our room and wanted me to cuddle him and I was feeding Sarah. At 2AM, all 4 of us were in our bed, wide awake. Iain was not overly impressed but I thought it was rather humourous. Things got better after that and we all ended up with a good sleep.

So far, having two rats hasn't been as terrifying as I was thinking it would be, thankfully.

Our Sweet Little Sarah

Here are some more pictures of our little girl. Love the kimono-nice easy way to change sleeping babies without them even waking up!

Proud Grandparents


Monday, April 6, 2009

Sarah is here!!

Just a quick line before I rush back to the hospital. Sarah Theresa Aitken was born this morning April 6th at 9:45. She is to put it mildly... healthy... 10lbs 5oz! and 21.5cms. Here are a few shots from her first day: