Thursday, August 23, 2007

GB and BB

You know how in movies they use a little devil and angel, sitting picturesquely on the character's shoulders where they act as the person's conscience? Well, I am having a similar experience, only I call them "Good Boob" and "Bad Boob".

Good Boob loves to breast feed, her nipple never gets sore, and she knows she is doing a wonderful thing for her baby. Her little heart melts at 3AM when Nathaniel looks adoringly at me and she smiles when he reaches for my finger to hold. Good Boob always produces milk that results in a big quick burp just by putting Nathaniel in a sitting position and he never throws up the milk and honey that flows from this side. Good Boob molds herself into a pleasing shape so the baby latches on quickly and loves to produce so much milk that she generously fills a bottle when pumped. I like Good Boob.

Bab Boob on the other hand is always cranky and very sore. When it is her turn to nourish, she thinks Similac was the greatest invention ever and the only thing she wants touching her is nipple balm. She is mean and nasty and sometimes wants to pretend that is the cat screaming in the bassinet, not her baby. She makes me be mean to Iain and thinks that the flap on nursing bras should always be left open so she can get a breath of fresh air. Bad Boob on purpose gets hard and refuses to fit easily into Nathaniel's mouth therefore causing him to attack like a piranha, making Bad Boob even more cantankerous. Bad Boob hates to give up more than one drop of milk unnecessarily, and can sense the second I put the breast pump together and refuses to let her milk down. Sometimes Bad Boob tricks the baby into thinking he is full after 10 minutes of drinking so that in half an hour Good Boob has to finish up the job properly.

I think I may have more in common with Bad Boob than I want to admit. And to be honest, I am never quite sure who I honestly want to win the argument, but Good Boob has been winning out.

Ahhh, breastfeeding...a very emotional event.

1 comment:

Erinn said...

Sympathies...I know how you feel. The funny thing is that my good and bad sides made a switch at about 4 months. I also thought of them not as GB and BB, but as DB (drippy boob) and CB (conservationist boob). Isn't it swell?