Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Nesting - Part 2

I thought that maybe I was nesting the other day but now I know for sure I was last night. Iain had to go to work in the evening and I was really bored. Suddenly, a fabulous idea popped into my head-in order for my baby to feel truly welcome, all of his little outfits must be ironed and every drawer in his dresser sorted perfectly by size and type of garment. Keep in mind this is from the same woman who throws her work clothes in the dryer to take the wrinkles out.

So I gleefully hauled all of the dresser drawers into my room and sorted, ironed and folded for about 2 hours. I wasn't even that embarrassed when Kristi called and asked me what I was doing and I answered truthfully. Maybe that is why she came and checked on me today.

Tomorrow is the next doctor's appointment where we are going to discuss being induced. Hopefully I will have some news for everyone tomorrow. Until then, I am still a cranky witch and cannot be pleased.


Unknown said...

soooo....no inducing tomorrow? Call me!!! We'll chat.

The Osbornes said...

Hey, if you don't have that little monster this week. Call me, I'll bring you something from Dairy Delight xoxo

Heather Keats said...

Love reading your rants...Ironing??This is a side of Kelly I never knew existed!

Hoping baby comes today!!
