Thursday, August 16, 2007

Life With Baby

Well, we have been home for a few days now and things are going just fine! Nathaniel is a textbook baby-easy to breastfeed, only cries when necessary and absolutely delightful 21 out of the 24 hours of the day. Between 2:30AM and 5:00AM, he turns into a devil child who wants to be fed 4 times, not burp, not sleep and wants to be entertained. Luckily he crashes very hard after this and we get caught up on our sleep. Iain has been absolutely wonderful and I don't think I would have got through those wee hours without some tears of my own without him. We have kept him awake for over an hour and a half so far this evening with the hope this will help get him on a more likable schedule.

Here are a few more pictures of him-I think the one of him grinning is adorable.

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