Sunday, July 29, 2007

Midnght Madness

It is a little after midnight and I am awake-not because I want to be but because I seem to have little to say in the matter. Actually, I am exhausted and all I want to do is sleep but I don't think it is going to happen for awhile.

I went to bed 3 hours ago. I had a good supper, went for a swim so I was cool and relaxed and had a good book to read. I was in bed for about an hour when the fun started: acid reflux, constant peeing and extremely sore and restless legs. At least I wasn't hot, compliments of my $99 air conditioner from Wal-Mart. Then the baby started kicking and squirming. He is so low in my crotch I swear I could reach in there and yank him out. There is so much pressure in my lower abdomen, I can't believe my water hasn't broke yet.

So, now I am sitting here chewing a piece of Bubblicious in my mom pj's with one loyal dog for company. I want to go back to bed but I am pretty sure it will be a futile exercise as I am more comfortable being up that down right now. Yes, this is a "woe is me" post. To think I could possibly go another 2 weeks is more than I can handle thinking about. Is there such a thing as PRE-partum depression? Because if there is, I think there may be a case of it brewing here.


The Osbornes said...

Holy frig! I hadn't seen your blog for a while and was roaring getting caught up on your posts. You'll soon have your body back, kelly.... a slight variation anyway, I don't think you ever really get it back ;) I hope your tyke is a good sleeper, you've paid your dues! xoxo

Unknown said...

Hang in there, Kel! It's all worth it. I know you have lots of people at your place but if you need an escape or just to talk, give me a call. Miss you

Heather Keats said...

Thinking of you and hoping that you go SOON! This weather is killer, I can't imagine how uncomfortable you must be...thank god for your pool!

Read while you can...

xox heb