Saturday, July 14, 2007

Strep Crotch

I had read about how you are tested for strep in the last month of your pregnancy but I had never heard exactly how the testing was done until I went to the obstetrician last week. By the way, I think that one of you moms could have mentioned this to me!!!!!!!!!

I did the usual stuff-got weighed, blood pressure, fetal heart beat, etc then the nurse said we were going to do the test for strep. Having read a fair amount about this, I cockily nodded my head and added a few slightly pompous comments about it.

The nurse then pulled out this super long Q-tip in a plastic sleeve and said it was a vaginal/rectal exam. I thought that she was giving me a choice of where to stick this thing and in my head I was thinking, "What kind of a weirdo would choose the rectal option?!" It took about another 90 seconds of conversation before I realized this was not a multiple choice question. Iain looked at me and said with a smarmy voice, "Have fun with that" and headed back to the waiting room. As I made the lonely walk to the bathroom, I had two thoughts running through my mind, "Ouch" and "Can I even reach my asshole?".

I decided to pee in the bottle first, which suddenly seemed rather fun in comparison-who really cares about a little urine on the hand? Then I stuck the Q-tip up the va-jay-jay, took a deep breath and started probing.

Let's just say there is no doubt when you find the right spot.


Anonymous said...

its about time, ive been bored for days waiting for another post. AND AGAIN...WHERE THE BLOODY HELL ARE THE PHOTOS OF YOU?!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

oh and i would have mentioned that test to you but they dont do it here. I asked about it after reading about it in one of those dumb bibles but my midwife said it was a pointless test as one day you can be positive and the next negative....? whatever one less intrusion was fine with me.