Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Yesterday Sucked

I fed Nathaniel a bottle of Similac yesterday with the hopes of gradually weaning him for when I go back to work in November. He gobbled it down, then slept for 4 hours-I was pleased. He woke up, I breast fed him then he proceeded to empty the entire contents of his stomach all over himself and somehow, down my sleeve. Yes, I let the dogs eat it. Not because I was lazy but I thought it would be better to clean my baby rather than the floor first and those pups are quick for anything slightly edible.

This cycle continued into the night (with the exception of the dogs). He puked on a number of sleepers and a few thousand receiving blankets. He looked so pathetic as he was puking that it was heartbreaking, with his little tear filled eyes and red face. Of course, as soon as he puked, about 5 minutes later, he was hungry and would scream hysterically for more food which would in turn make him sick again. Finally, he became so tired that he only needed to feed for 5 minutes then he would fall asleep and not puke.

Due to me substituting a feed with Similac and Nathaniel not eating as much as usual, my boobs became confused. They protested by becoming hard as a rock and very sore. Since the baby wasn't really eating and I needed to get that milk out of my body, I went and got the dogs. Joking. This is not going to turn into a jar of peanut butter urban legend. I went and got my breast pump to relieve the pain. I had to sterilize it first so I popped it in the microwave sterilizer along with a soother and a couple of bottles. About 20 seconds later, I smelled this horrible scent and looked up to see flames in the microwave. I yanked out the sterilizer and everything was black inside and the soother was a melted blob with a small metal wire sticking out that I was unaware of. I managed to salvage the sterilizer but the pump was toast and my pain was increasing and it was 10:30PM. Iain earned some major points by driving all of the way to Nashwaaksis to Shopper's to buy a new pump for me ( it was the only place that had one and was open).

Then I was paranoid all night that Nathaniel was going to puke and choke in his sleep so needless to say I was a bit exhausted today after a rather restless sleep. He is feeling great now and I am looking forward to a good sleep-please let that monkey sleep for at least 4 hours in a row sometime tonight.

1 comment:

Heather Keats said...

similac made Emily Pearl puke too...we fed her nestle good start (think that is waht it is called??) It is not so syrupy and is easier for them to digest.

Nathaniel is looking adorable as always, love all his new duds!!
