Tuesday, September 11, 2007

One Month Old Today

It is nice to have a pleasant moment attached to a date that isn't so wonderful. Ever since that day 6 years ago, I have had horrible nightmares about planes crashing on a regular basis-had one 2 nights ago even. It's not like I think about 9/11 all the time but it obviously lives on in my subconscious. Dreams are so weird.

Anyway, today was a day of momentous events in the microcosm of Nathaniel and me (or is it macrocosm-you economics people should know). Today, I was talking to him during his noon hour cranky stage about how hard it is to entertain him when he looked at me and genuinely smiled. It was so delightful!!! I made him smile a number of times throughout the day and it was wonderful-his whole face just lit up and it was like we connected on a whole different level. He also slept in his crib for a nap for the first time. Good thing I drove Iain insane when I was six months pregnant to get that room finished when all we ever do in there is change him at night and get his clothes.

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