Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mother Sucker

This little guy has become a big mamma's boy in the last week or so and I am not impressed. For the first 5 weeks of his life, he gladly slept the afternoon away in his playpen. Then he decided that he was done with being a textbook baby. He made a deal with the sleep devil that he would only sleep in Mom's arms on her chest in the rocking chair. If his demands were not met, he would pretend he was asleep but as soon as he was put down elsewhere, he would scream his guts out after 3 minutes (which is just long enough for me to lay down or start cleaning).

I tried for 3 days to not give into his demands, but his screaming and groaning was driving me insane. Plus he was getting extremely overtired, which I was worried about. We have a plan to break the evil cycle - we will give it a week or so and see if it works. Any advice on the matter would be appreciated.


Julia Hemsley said...

OMG...I've already forgotten...but I'm sure Tracy (from the Baby Whisperer) had some tid bit for this that I read over and over a million times. Only had this issue with Sophie (who was a Mommas girl) I had to find her little "I'm tired" signal to put her down way before I thought she was tired...who am I kidding..I'm no help! Good luck my friend.

Laura said...

Hi Kelly. Our little girl did the opposite of your little man. For the first 5 weeks of her life she would only sleep when being held. This is finally beginning to end and she is sleeping more independantly. Needless to say, I feel your pain. We bought a cradle swing from Toysrus that has been a Godsend. It was pricey but well worth it in my oppinion. Mark and Shana have the same one. If you want the details on it you can email me-

Good luck!

Heather Keats said...

I am in agreement with the swing thing. William was the same and the swing was our saviour. I use to debate whether he had been in there too long etc. But who was I kidding if I had to leave him in there all night to make hime sleep I would have. I made sure our cupboord always had a very large supply of C batteries!

Aside from that--Julia is right Baby Whisperer all the way. She is amazing, if only she made house calls to Freddy Beach! I have all of her books if you need them!
