Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I have died and gone to baby heaven...Nathaniel is asleep as he swoops through the air at approximately 52km/h in his swing. We tried him in the swing when he was about a week old and he just kept collapsing forward. We dug it out this afternoon and popped him in it and he passed out in about 3 minutes. Angela, if you are reading this, I am sending you a big hug and kiss for lending us that swing-it may be what allows me to make it through the day. What a wonderful invention-something other than you arms that makes your baby fall asleep. Would I be a bad mother if I set that up beside our bed and made him sleep in it? Just joking. Now I can go work on my scrapbook for a few minutes.


Unknown said...

this kills me!!!!! i sit, barely being able to stand it, waiting for other replies!

Kelly said...

Perhaps the joke is on me and everyone thinks that naturally I would have a scrapbook-now I am nervous.

Anonymous said...

haha was just about to write - SCRAPBOOK - AS IF!!!!

Julia Hemsley said...

I thought it a little odd...and then thought you made some horrible error and were maybe just referring to the blog as your scrapbook. ha.

Kelly said...

Hahahaha..you guys made me laugh my ass of this morning. Glad my reputation is still intact (although I am doubting my intelligence after Julia's comment). I do actually have a scrapbook but I just use it as a photo album and write the date and the event under it-no stickers, fancy paper or fancy writing. So I have a scrapbook but do not scrapbook (what a great lesson on the difference between a noun and a verb!).

Kelly said...

Hahahaha..you guys made me laugh my ass of this morning. Glad my reputation is still intact (although I am doubting my intelligence after Julia's comment). I do actually have a scrapbook but I just use it as a photo album and write the date and the event under it-no stickers, fancy paper or fancy writing. So I have a scrapbook but do not scrapbook (what a great lesson on the difference between a noun and a verb!).

Unknown said...

ohhhh i am sooo glad that someone finally noticed!!! kelly and i have been giggling about this for days. and yes, for you doubters out there, it is true...i have seen it with my very own eyes. kelly's scrapbook is really quite nice. my guess is that by christmas kelly will have her whole craft drawer full of scrapbook paper and those special scissors that cut paper in a funky way (i am even embarassed that I know there is such a thing!) happy scrapbooking kellis!