Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sir Chubs-A-Lot

Nathaniel went for his first check-up today. Yes, he was supposed to go at 2 weeks but my doctor was on vacation and I had to call 9 different times before I could get through then I still had to wait another 2 weeks. What a wonderful health care system we have. Not too hard to see why things are becoming privatized-I would have paid money to get him in earlier. Anyway, that is another rant.

Here are the stats on the little man: at 5 1/2 weeks, he weighs 13 pounds (gain of 2 pounds since birth, 3 since we left the hospital) and he is 24 inches tall (2 inch growth). He is off of the charts percentile wise but the doctor said he was very healthy. I think we have a potential basketball player on our hands ( I hope!!).

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