Sunday, December 2, 2007


  • I went back to work on Monday and was enjoying myself until I came home and my baby totally snubbed me. Refused to look at me for an hour and by refusing I mean violently twisting away from me in my arms. It truly broke my heart. Nice to know that 9 months in the womb and 3 1/2 months of my undivided attention were erased in 8 hours.
  • Nathaniel learned to roll over-he did it three times in a row. Funny how amazingly exciting this was for Iain and I but when you tell someone else, it seems pretty blah.
  • Fact: keeping the attention of 25 fourteen year olds all day while trying to actually teach them something is less exhausting than taking care of one infant.
  • Fact: Iain is doing an amazing job taking care of Nathaniel but he is being a stubborn donkey about admitting how tiring it is. The fact he passed out for most of the afternoon at Mom and Dad's may be a small indication.

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