Friday, December 7, 2007

The Phantom Poop

Nathaniel usually gets me a couple of times a week on this one. He will be sitting on my lap, grinning away, then all of the sudden his face goes blank and a pained look appears. I look at him with concern. I see him hold his breath then I feel the familiar rat-a-tat-tat against my leg. There is usually a 10 second reprieve before the noxious gas escapes the confines of his diaper to completely overwhelm anyone within a 10 foot radius. I am always amazed that for someone whose diet consists solely of milk, how he can produce such rankness.

Sometimes I try to hand him off to Iain, feigning innocence about the explosion down below, but that rarely works. We have a rule that runs roughly along the famous elementary school line of, "You smelt it, you dealt it" to "You're holding, you're changing".

Anyway, since I am a woman, I am apparently genetically predisposed to change diapers so I trudge over to the change table and get prepared with a few fistfuls of wipes. As I am ripping open the tabs on his diaper, I am usually trying to hazard a guess as to the colour, consistency and volume of the explosion. One thing I don't have to guess at is the stink. So I pull the diaper back, waiting to meet the the beast and much to my surprise, there's nothing.

The stink was there, the sound effects, the facial expression but no result hence the phantom poop. I love when this happens and I am always amazed at our little trickster.

1 comment:

Julia Hemsley said...

You are so funny!!! Sophie still has a few of these...I'll be ranting at her about about pooing in her diaper (cause now she does that on the potty now..) and she says "No momma...I tooted" I just can't believe it can produce such an odour and always have to check. She knows the deal...she just tooted. ha ha