Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Snow Day, Snow Day!!

Ahhh...all those boring university courses I sat through, all those frustrating days with challenging students I have endured, all those late nights marking until I thought my eyes were going to burn out of my head are worth it when those magical words are spoken via the radio, "No school for district 14, 17 and 18".

As I sit here in bed picking away at a leftover cheese ball from the weekend, re-reading Bridget Jones's Diary (which makes me laugh my head off even though I have read it umpteen million times) and pecking away on my laptop while a sweet little baby lays beside me, life is good.

Here are the best things about a snow day as a teacher:
  • you still lay in bed with a knot of excited apprehension, waiting for the 6 o'clock news to come on, praying they utter the magical words of school be closed for the day.
  • just like when you are a kid, the feeling of not having to go to school is so wonderful, you can't go back to sleep because you are wide awake even though every other day of the week you are exhausted getting up in the morning and run through the list of plausible reasons of calling in sick.
  • unlike fake calling in sick, you have the day off and can go shopping, out for a leisurely breakfast, be seen out in public without the fear of your boss or someone from work seeing you.
  • you get paid.
  • everyone at work is so happy the next day it makes work even more fun than usual.
  • you can pick away at shovelling out the driveway.
  • you can eat gross things for breakfast (like cheese balls-thanks, Heather A.) and not feel guilty because the huge amounts of snow give off a festive air reminiscent of Christmas, allowing you to consume as many calories as you want. Besides, you burn them all off shovelling.
  • calling/emailing other teacher friends and remarking on how we do have the best job in the world (these are the same friends you complain to on a regular basis about how horrible the job can be).

Anyway, just wanted all of you non-teachers out there to know what it feels like! Ha ha!

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