Friday, December 14, 2007

Let It Snow

I was just on Adrienne's blog and I laughed when I saw the picture of her patio table with the high mound of snow on it and the comment towards Louise. Every time it has snowed in the last few weeks, I keep thinking to myself how great this is going to be for Louise and Finn (assuming Sarah has enough fond memories of snow as it is).

Personally I am enjoying the snow-I feel like an seven year old every time I see the flakes falling. I just hate really, really cold weather when the wind is blowing. When I had early morning duty (it starts at 7:30AM-grrr- and lasts for 45 LONG minutes) this week, I had on wool socks, winter boots, long underwear, cords, 2 shirts, a sweater, my winter jacket, huge mittens and a fleece hat. Insane. Even more fun than that has been stuffing Nathaniel into his snowsuit with his mitts, booties and hat on-a guaranteed scream fest of fun. There is something to be said for having babies in warm climates.

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