Sunday, December 9, 2007

Tuckered Out Time

If you tried to do half the stuff all the baby books tell you to do to ensure that your baby reaches all of his developmental milestones, you would never have time to even pick your nose. I had all of these idyllic fantasies pre-Nathaniel of him enjoying his prescribed minutes of exercise in various positions and states of undress (i.e. tummy and naked) as I gleefully checked off his developmental milestones each month.

Then the reality of having a baby set in.

Iain and I do our best to make sure he is stimulated but sometimes the most exciting part of the day for him is "wipe the shit off of your body time" coupled with "suck on my boob and watch Mommy scrape the top layer of dirt off of the house time". Does anyone else fantasize about having a nanny, a maid, a chef and a wet nurse at their disposal 24 hours a day?

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