Thursday, November 15, 2007

Big Boy Crib

Now, I am sure that more than a few people are going to think we are mental but we don't care, so save me the comments. Nathaniel was busting out of his bassinet so we knew it was time for the crib. Problem was, Iain and I weren't ready for him to make the move across the hall. It is so convenient having him in our room for feeding and checking on him plus we have a furnace so in order to keep his room warm enough,we would have to heat the whole house all night long. We have a baseboard heater in the bathroom off of our bedroom so it keeps our room a comfortable temperature. So the decision was made-crib into our room for the winter.

As we discovered when we lugged the crib upstairs before he was born, the crib does not fit through his bedroom door assembled, so Iain had to take it apart then reassemble it for the 3rd time and he has only slept in it twice. Yes, I think that is funny.

And as the famous Theresa Seamans once said, "He is your baby and you can do what ever you want" so he three of us plan on snuggling up for a long cozy winter.
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