Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Nice Day

My brother and I decided that we needed to start getting our kids to enjoy staying at each others house so we could take advantage of overnight babysitting-kids tend to lose their charm at 6AM with a hangover. So this morning, Nate and I headed out to Penniac to get his big cousin, Karson, for a day of hanging out.

We went over to Suzanne's house to play with all of Eric's toys and the boys were quite amusing going through periods of shyness, fighting and playing. Sharing toys between two year olds is quite the adventure. It's not too hard to see how naturally selfish we are. Sarah came over with Malik and we had a great time chatting while Suzanne fed us and took care of the kids-heehee! Thanks Suzie-Q, I really need to force myself out of the house more.

Right now, Karson and Nathaniel are sleeping side by side in our bed and it is so sweet. It has been a busy day hanging out with a 2 1/2 year old and a two month old, but it has been a lot of fun so the chance of another addition to the Aitken clan is a distinct possibility in the near future. Quite a 180 from someone who an hour after having her first baby emphatically declared there would be no more coming out of her. It certainly sweetens the pot when your nephew looks over at you, smiles and says, "I like you".

Eww, I am turn into a big pile of gush.


Heather Keats said...

I love the mushy, gushy kelly!!And I love that your son is so sweet!!Nice picture of the boys and your brother are sure good a makeing gorgeous babies!!

Love you---xoxoox

Julia Hemsley said...

We women have been designed to forget the trauma of it all. HA!! I actually said outloud the other day that I'd like to have another. Who is this woman who has taken over my body.

Oh Heathers last sentence....sounds a litte incestuous. hee hee....sorry had to mention.

NBOilerFan said...

i had a great time with you too, Kel. We should plan another play date again with the tots! Those pics are too cute!