Thursday, November 13, 2008

Working Slump

I have been quarantined from work for over 2 weeks now - still no test results. My blood work has been sent to Halifax and we are still waiting to hear. I've kept Nathaniel home with me except for 2 mornings so I could get my report cards finished - I have a feeling the next time I drop him off at daycare we will be taking a step backwards, as in lots of tears and clinging. He has turned into a real Mommy's boy. I was so excited for him to learn to say Mommy but after the 8000th time you hear it in one morning, I am ready for a name change.

Tomorrow I have my second ultrasound and we find out the sex of the baby. I am saying a girl and Iain thinks it is a boy (surprise). I'm pretty sure one of us will be correct.

1 comment:

The Osbornes said...

Hey, I just called you and couldn't get through. I think you changed #'s but I don't have the new one you emailed out. Can't wait to hear your news!! I'll try you tonight. xoxo