Sunday, November 9, 2008

Wild Mushrooms + Nathaniel = Heart Attack For Mommy

After the pictures below were taken, I was trying to rig up a swing that we bought for Nathaniel last Spring. He was across the driveway playing on the rock then he saw what I was doing and started scurrying over. I had my backed turned then all of the sudden I remembered that when he was sitting on the stump, he was very interested in the mushrooms that were growing on it. I turn around and he is stuffing one in his mouth.

I screamed at him and started running for him, tripped and wiped out so hard on the driveway I seriously almost knocked myself out. I fell mostly on my side, thankfully. I hauled my bleeding and bruised self over to Nathaniel and dug what I hoped was all the mushroom out of his mouth. I think my scream and wipe-out momentarily distracted him.

I rushed him into the house, grabbed the phone and called poison control-he ran back outside, I picked him up and cranked his head off the doorknob, so he is screaming his head off and I feel like I am going to pass out I am hurting so bad while I talk to this woman on the phone.

He wasn't showing any immediate signs of distress besides crying so I figured he didn't eat one of the ones that kill you in a few minutes. We rushed him to the hospital and they checked him out and kept him for observation for awhile and then we headed home.

Of course, just the night before Iain and I were laying in bed playing with him and we had a 2 minute morbid conversation about what would we do if something ever happened to him. That is just not a conversation you can have as a parent.

Anyway, he is totally fine. My entire shin is a ugly purple bruise that still hurts like hell and the baby is fine also.

Very fun day.

I am still off work but after these dramatics, I would rather deal with the antics of other people's kids.

1 comment:

The Osbornes said...

oh my.. i felt sick for you reading that story, Kel!!Glad to hear everything is ok, other then your leg... xoxo