Thursday, October 2, 2008

Warning - Your Eyes May Get Sore If You Read This

I have long had a hate on for stupid warnings that anyone with a teaspoon of common sense would know not to do. Example - on an infant bath tub, "Do not leave baby unattended". You think?!

I have especially noticed these warnings seem to rise exponentially as you buy more and more gear for your kids. I have always blamed these ridiculous warnings on Americans who gleefully sue over anything and everything.

But I have reached the breaking point.

I was pouring Nathaniel some organic (of course), straight from the earth, made by Amish people no name Cheerios the other day and on the top of the box it said, and I quote, "Should only be fed to young children who have the ability to chew solid foods while seated with supervision".

Good thing I read this. I was seriously considering not breastfeeding this next baby. I thought it would thrive if I shoved Cheerios down its throat while I left it unsupervised in its swing on the highest speed.

Is there any hope for us if we need this printed on cereal boxes?

I just had to get this off my chest.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Hey Congrats on baby Deux!!! It's so much fun you can't imagine!