Monday, January 19, 2009


I witnessed what might possibly be the best dude moment ever in Fredericton the other day. As we were all acutely aware of, it has been a bit chilly here lately. I personally have no recollection of it ever being -42 degrees out. During this cold snap, Iain and I were risking our lives by venturing out of our house and scurrying into the Superstore on Smythe. As we were making our way across the parking lot, trying not to breathe because the air hurt, Iain pointed to a guy getting out of a car. This guy is THE Dude Of Winter.

Why? Because as he lifts his daughter out of the car while precariously balancing a smoke hands free in his lips, he has on as a winter jacket a vest. Over what you ask? Over a wife beater. As in, no sleeves and it isn't even zipped up. I was so amazed, that I almost felt admiration for him. He was sporting some pretty cool tats (sarcasm) that I guess must be displayed under any circumstances. And, he wasn't even in a rush. Who would do that? A dude would, of course.

He then reminded me of this gang of men in their late thirties who win the title for Dudes Of The Summer. I see this gang all the time and it kills me. Here is how you know if you saw one - they all have longish hair in various states of dirty but what distinguishes them from others are these three things: light blue, skin tight, tapered leg, Levis orange tabs, 10 speed bicycles and the complete absence of a shirt.

All summer, preferably on the hottest days, these men zip around Fredericton on their ten speeds with no shirts on and their jeans. I have seen them drive with only one hand as they balance a case of Alpine or even hands free as they light a smoke. There is some talent there.

Keep your eyes open once the snow melts, they are everywhere.


Trish said...

omg I love your blogs ;)

Unknown said...

Kelly. Whassup??
Staying on your feet these days?