Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christmas Pics

Iain and I attempted to get a few nice shots of the boys the week before Christmas. Now I know why you pay people to do these things. There were a few better ones than these but I can't seem to find them. You get the point.

I also seem to have no pictures from Christmas Eve or Christmas Day-we apparently taped everything and I do not have the patience to edit and post it, so just use your imagination.

We had lots of fun - family over on Christmas Eve, opening of presents the next morning and out to Mom and Dad's for more prezzies and Christmas dinner. Nathaniel was suitably impressed by his Christmas swag but continues to enjoy his plastic hockey sticks from the Dollar Store more than anything else.

He opened his stocking upstairs in our bedroom and he was so impressed by his gifts that Iain and I felt bad because we tend to not buy him a lot of toys. He kept saying, "Wow!!" over his $3.99 trucks - I don't think one thing in there cost more than ten bucks. Maybe we should indulge him a bit more but he still loves simple things, so I figure we have plenty of expensive Christmases ahead so I better enjoy this while it lasts. One of the girls I work with said all her two little girls wanted for Christmas as their big present was a lollipop one year. Nice!

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