Monday, September 29, 2008

Baby #2

Well, we may as well make this official. There is another Baby Aitken on the way, due on April 12th!

Today I went for my 12 week ultrasound and we saw the little wee one punching and kicking it's way around. My doctor said that we would be able to find out the sex today but we were told that it was impossible to tell yet and we would have to wait until the 18 week one. Since the babe is all of 5cm from crown to rump, I can imagine trying to discern anything down below would be quite the challenge. I could make a nasty joke about if it was a boy, like father like son, but I won't. Oh wait, I just did...

Anyway, Iain and I are very excited/slightly overwhelmed. We look at Nathaniel who is still such a tiny little thing and the thought of another baby on its way very soon is enough for us to have a severe case of the shakes. To put this in perspective, on Nathaniel's 1st birthday, I was a month and a half pregnant. Nothing classier than being knocked up twice in one year.


J Tym said...

Hey now, nothing wrong with being pregnant twice in one year! It happens to the best of us works out great!

The Buicks said...

WOW!! Congratulations Kelly and Iain! This baby may share a birthday with Taylor. She was born on April 14th.