Thursday, March 20, 2008

Watching His Best Friend...TV!

Iain and I swore that Nathaniel would not watch TV...yeah, well that lasted about one week. Right from when he was a newborn, he was fascinated with television and unless you decided to never watch TV again, it was pretty much impossible to avoid him looking at it. Then we modified our outlook and said he could watch whatever we watched but no kids shows. That was pretty easy since we both detest all shows aimed at kids (they are just so frigging annoying-I hate all the stupid songs. Plus I just find it really weird when grown men want to act like that..)

Then one day he was really whiny and we were both exhausted so we dug out the 3 pack of Baby Einstein videos we received for Christmas and popped one into my laptop. Instant silence-total mesmerization. We quickly pushed all feelings of guilt out of the way by adding another clause to the no TV manifesto-kid TV is okay as long as we are holding him. We have no aim of increasing his intelligence by watching these videos, it is all about him shutting up for half an hour so we can recharge the patience battery. Can't wait to see what else we are going to capitulate on.

I came home from work the other day and noticed one of the DVD's had made it's way downstairs into the DVD player-hee hee!
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