Thursday, March 20, 2008


Last weekend we enjoyed a mild Sunday afternoon and went snowshoeing. We went for about 2 hours and it was so beautiful out in the woods. We hiked down to my brother's hunting camp, busted in (took the screwdriver out of the padlock hole-real high tech, Kris) and rested our weary legs. When we walked in, I had a mild heart attack because I looked up and saw a bobcat perched up on the ceiling beam. After about 2 seconds, I realized it was dead and stuffed, but it looked real enough to cause a moment of slight distress. I have a feeling it was strategically placed there for just that effect.

As you can see, Nate was really into it, so much that he woke up for about 5 whole minutes. He loves having a nap outside and I think bobbing up and down in the pack lulls him into a deep sleep, which I am all for. I think every parent should have a Baby Bjorn and some kind of backpack like this one. Nathaniel is always very content when he is strapped onto Iain and we can do whatever we want whereas he is not so patient in his stroller or a shopping cart.
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