Monday, May 28, 2007


This is the first post of the new blog site for Iain and I. The general purpose of it is of course to introduce and keep everyone up to date on our little munchkin once he makes his appearance in two more months. Plus, since I enjoy blog stalking everyone else, I felt perhaps I should make a contribution to the sport myself.

Until our little one makes his entrance, I thought I should get practiced up on the art of blogging. It feels a little too close to scrap-booking for my liking, but I think I can handle being this creative in the world of arts and crafts.

I am a bit worried that I may offend "those who love being pregnant" with my posts, so if you are one of those, you may want to proceed with caution. I am, if anything, allergic to being pregnant and if there was an Epi-pen for it, I would be jamming it into my thigh as we speak.

Case in point-Saturday was a beautiful day, so Iain and I decided to mow our lawn and start prepping the pool. I actually like mowing the lawn (because we have a ride on) and I couldn't foresee any real reason why I couldn't putter around on it, as long as I went slow. Not much different than driving on a dirt road I figured. No major incidents except I hit a root and the steering wheel jabbed me in the gut (seeing as how my stomach was only about 4 inches away from the wheel to begin with, this is not as dramatic as it may seem). We mowed and puttered all day, took the dogs for a walk then went for a drive out to the Village of Gagetown and took one of those weird river ferry things over to Jemseg. When I got home, I headed for bed and noticed my feet and ankles felt strange.

I looked down and a disgusting sight awaited me-swollen ankles. It looked like I severely sprained both of my ankles, minus the bruising. As if I don't look enough like a sausage that I had to add this to my list. All I could think of were old ladies with their knee highs and velcro dress sneakers on, limping painfully around Zellers as their ankles burgeoned out over the tops of their shoes. I had become one, all for the want of a child.

I quickly checked one of my baby books and it said the swelling was caused by either sitting or standing. Very helpful. So I tucked a pillow under my feet and by the morning, they returned to their normal shape, which has been the only thing on my body to do so in the last seven months.

That is all for the first blog!


The Osbornes said...

ha! seriosly laughing out loud. I'm gonna like this blog! xo

Wendy said...

oh my! You are hilarious! Keep the posts coming. I had an absolutely crappy day and this has been the first time I have laughed in a week!

Just know you are not alone. I think I was allergic to being pregnant too!

Unknown said...

your blog rocks so far! maybe all those hours of stocking other people's blogs has finally paid off:)