Friday, October 12, 2007

Why You Should At Least Occaisonally Sanitize Soothers

I was breastfeeding the other day and watched Francis (our cat) climb into the recently vacated bouncy chair, turn around in a circle, lift up his tail and lay down, perfectly placing his butt hole on the soother. It makes me shudder to think what I have not seen these animals do.

Speaking of the nether parts of felines, I once read that a cat's asshole looks exactly like the end of a hotdog. Thought I would share that little bit of creative writing. Makes you yearn for an elementary school hot lunch.


Julia Hemsley said...

That reminds me of the story that was going around on the interent of a mom who had a two year old that kept asking to borrow her chapstick...she allowed it several times and her daughter was so great about putting it back after using it. Then one day...she caught her daughter rubbing the same chapstick that she used earlier on the kitty cats ahole...only to explain that " was chapped...I do it to help kitty out!!" NICE EH!!

Kelly said...

Good Lord! If that is true, that makes me want to puke!