Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Thought I would make up for the lack of pics lately with a veritable plethora of them. First of all, thank you for all of the advice with regards to the vomity moods Nathaniel was going through. He appears to have recovered and my saviour has been the vibrating bouncy chair. Big thanks to Becky for that baby shower gift!

Hate to brag, but I am going to. Ever since Mom, Alana, Nate and I headed to Moncton about 2 weeks ago for an overnight shopping trip, he has reverted back to being a text book baby. He now sleeps from 10:30PM to 6:30AM without waking up for a feeding, then he crashes out again until 10:30AM. I have finally turned back into a normal human being and I feel great. Funny how crying isn't nearly so annoying if you've had some uninterrupted sleep!

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Iain had Friday off so we picked up Bad Grammy so she could amuse us for the weekend, had lunch at the Blue Door,then headed over to Suzanne's house for some food I didn't have to cook and was entertained by the hilarious Morgan Dean and puppeteer Suzanne (who I am hoping at least had a slight buzz from the wine). Iain and I have been granted access to the all exclusive "Family Club" from which we were previously exempt due to not having a child. I feel that our membership is precarious because most of the members are toddlers with the exception of Anna and Nathaniel, so we will see how it goes. Perhaps we will have to host the next bash to cement our place.

We also went to the market, had a nice greasy breakfast with Kris, Alana, Karson and my Aunt Marion and Uncle Bob who were up for the weekend from Florida. We hit the grocery store and the Big Potato (mistakenly called "The Baked Potato" by a friend on Sunday night) for grub for Sunday's festivities, and cleaned up the house.

I have also entered another epoch of my life. This weekend, I garnered the respect of my mother, aunts and grandmothers by hosting Thanksgiving dinner for 15 people and pulling it off. I decided to not be offended by the surprised tones of the initial compliments-apparently everyone thought it was going to be a pot of Kraft Dinner and turkey flavoured Mr. Noodles. It is official-I have a house, husband, baby and some culinary skills-I am a grown-up!!

Big thanks to the Rowneys for providing us with a second Thanksgiving dinner for the second year in a row on Sunday night. You know the food is good if you can pack away another plateful!


The Osbornes said...

Glad to hear din went well, that's a lot to cook for! By the way...Baby Reels movie this Tuesday is Heart Break Kid - we should go!

PS - you know me better then to think I need any coaxing or buzz to do something like a puppet show. I'll be expecting you to put one on at the next Family get together you host... I would actually pay money for that ;) My guess is it'd be R rated.

Julia Hemsley said...

Mmm....when I come home at Xmas..I want that Puppet show.... pleeeeaaaase. I will pay...(I know my american money isn't so great right now)...but please...it will be so much fun!! hee hee