Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Vomitus Maximus

To copy one of Julia's recent entries, we were mowed down by the stomach flu last weekend. Nathaniel started the whole process by puking in the car on the way home from daycare. It was so bad we had to strip him down to his diaper on the side of the road and scoop handfuls of it out of the car. He was sick all night until about midnight. Poor little thing. He didn't know what was going on and he was so sick.

I took the next day off anticipating he may not be well, but of course he was up and running full speed for the entire day - wouldn't even take a nap. I was zonked. Around midnight, I started throwing up. And throwing up. And throwing up. It was horrible. Around 4AM, as I scurried off to the washroom for the umpteenth time, I felt really light headed. I said to Iain, "I think I am going to faint." He told me to stop being foolish and throw up. Then I passed out, smashed my head off the baseboard heater, broke my glasses, cut my face and gave myself a big shiner.

We called for an ambulance because at this point Iain is starting to feel sick, I can't stop throwing up and we are obviously a bit concerned with me being pregnant. I puked the entire way to the hospital, they checked the baby and I out and made me stay until I could keep fluids down.

Mom and Dad met us at the hospital to take Nathaniel, Iain went home and I slept and puked until they let me go home. Mom picked me up and came to our house and doctored Iain and I and took Nathaniel to her house again for the night. I seriously doubt we could have taken care of him, we were both so sick, weak and tired. Lots of fun!!!

We are all fine and the baby is healthy as horse and kicks the living daylights out of me 24 hours a day. Three and a half months to go!!

1 comment:

Julia Hemsley said...

YIKERS...that one sounds like a nasty one. I was just "best friends" with the toilet for about three hours and then just felt achy for a day...hope that one doesn't make it to IL! HA!