Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Twilight Series

I have watched the girls that I teach read the Twilight series for the last year so out of curiousity I borrowed the first one and started reading. I am now on the 4th one and I absolutely love the series. It also scares the shit out of me and I could do without the vampire dreams but a very enjoyable experience so far. Iain had duty the other night so I wouldn't read it with him being gone. I am a big puss so it most likely wouldn't scare anyone else nor is it really suppose to be a horror series.

Buy them - the softcovers are cheap and definitely worth it.

1 comment:

Julia Hemsley said...

I had so many dreams when I was reading was amazing where my thoughts turned to...LOVED IT THOUGH!! I think I got all four read in less then three weeks which is major for me! HA!