Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Update Number Two

We went to the DECH at 6:30PM and I was set up with the fetal heart rate monitor and the one that measures your contractions for about 45 minutes. The doctor then came in and inserted the jelly. Almost immediately I could feel cramping that was not overly pleasant. I stayed for about another 1/2 hour to make sure everything was okay, which it was, then we headed home.

My back is quite sore and I feel like I am 13 with horrible rag cramps but I am glad I got to come home and hopefully get some sleep in my own bed. If the contractions get close together or my water breaks, then I have to head back. Other than that I am on a diet of Tylenol and warm baths to get through a night of "miseries" as the nurse said.

I am to call the hospital tomorrow at 7:30AM and as long as everything is calm there, I am heading in to get the Pitocin and will hopefully have our baby tomorrow. This may be my last blog as a pregnant woman, which as happy as that makes me, there is also a twinge of sadness. I will miss my bump but we are both quite excited to meet the bump in person so what ever pain lies ahead in the next day or so, there is at least a light at the end of the tunnel.

I feel pretty crappy right now so I think I will have a bowl of soup and hit the hay.

Keep tuned for some pics!!


Unknown said...

okay, i'm glad i didn't read this before i dropped in, otherwise i wouldn't have!!!
Glad i got to see you though and am so glad that things are moving along. Take care and the next time i see you there will be a little wee (or not so one with you.
thinking about you and hoping that all goes well and quickly!!

The Osbornes said...

I'm so excited for you!! Can't wait to hear the news of your little one's arrival!! Anxiously awaiting your next post complete with PICS! Thinking of you
