Iain and I are pleased to report that Nathaniel William Aitken is here...finally! Here are his stats: he was born at 12:17PM on Saturday, August 17th which was coincidentally Iain's birthday, so needless to say he was thrilled. He was delivered via C-section, thank God, since he weighed a whopping 11 pounds (yes, eleven, not a typo) and is 22 inches long. He is perfectly healthy, is doing a fabulous job at breastfeeding and Iain and I can't believe he is ours!!
I had a rough lead up to the C-section. They spent 2 hours trying to get a spinal block or an epidural to work with little luck-only halkf of me would freeze. My gut was so huge, I couldn't arch my back properly so they could insert the needle in the right place. My back looks like some heroin addict's arm. That was a pleasant experience. So, my alternatives were to wait a few more days and see if labour would progress on it's own ( I was a whooping 1cm dilated that morning) or to have a general anesthesia (be put out cold). I wasn't thrilled about either option and I was pretty sure that if I waited, the baby would be too big and I would be right back in the same position I was in then, with perhaps a baby in distress. I was pretty nervous about going under and disappointed that I wouldn't see the baby immediately, but Iain was able to do all of that. He said the way they were wailing on my body to get Nathaniel out, I wouldn't have wanted to remember that anyway. Even the anesthetist was banging away on me.
Anyway, I was pretty sore Saturday, not too bad yesterday and really good today. We are going home tomorrow and I hope my milk comes in soon to feed the little piglet-he is ready for more than colostrum.
How appropriate that the nurse has frogs on her shirt!! LOLOLOL
Congrats, congrats, congrats!!! He is just adorable...and remember how we talked about that most newborns aren't cute...he really is...adorable!!!!....but then again he looks like a three month old already eh!! HA! I wish I was home to meet him...maybe at Xmas I'll get home. ARen't you glad it is all done....now just you wait till that milk comes in. I can't wait to read the blog about that one.. hee hee!!!
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